What are people saying?
This is just the beginning!

I have a WISH device. It doesn’t eliminate negative thought. However, it does allow negative thought to dissipate more quickly. The WISH cleans up the static energy that surrounds you and makes it easier to get back to feeling good. Meditation does the same thing, of course, and that practice is a good compliment to the WISH device. You may even find it easier to meditate. Like any homeopathic remedy, it takes time for the field around the WISH device to grow in strength. I noticed the effects in the first week, but it continues to deliver an ever-increasing calmness and contentedness in my home.
I can feel the difference in my space. Feel more supported and relaxed. Mom is adjusting to the space. (Diagnosed with autism and also told mother that they needed this unit)
I am a schoolteacher and I’ve tested this over and over, the days the wish is unplugged, the kids are antsy and impatient or bored. The days the wish is on, they are interested, engaged and care about participating with each other. Thank you wish unit!
I experienced trauma of a plane crash. Within 3 minutes of being in a room with the wish I went from crying, shaking and fear, to calm, breathing with ease and was able to talk coherently and listen to my doctor and begin to work the plan to healing.
I was visiting a friend’s home and brought my WISH. They were also hosting a friend and her daughter diagnosed with autism. Her mother kept commenting about how calm she was in the space, but none of us put it down to the WISH, until she became very dysregulated and aggressive. I asked if the WISH was still on and was told that it had just been turned off. Trying to determine if turning the WISH off had anything to do with her dysregulation, I asked our host to go turn it back on. Within 3 minutes, this young girl diagnosed with autism began to calm down and went back to enjoying herself in the space. I asked her mother, how long it would have taken to regulate herself without the WISH and she said an hour to hour and half and that she ( the mother) would have been battered and bruised in the process of trying to get her daughter to calm down.

I’ve had knee and back pain for years. When they act up, I point the blue light from the wish at my knee and then my lower back for about 30 seconds each. Then I put the opposite side of the wish on my knee and lower back with the blue light pointing out and I swear it pulls the pain out. Usually within 5-30 minutes, I have no pain and improved mobility and function. It’s been my drug free gift.
The first things I noticed was a feeling of peace, calm and relaxation. The entire house felt lighter and happier, and my days flowed with ease.
When wish is on, my meetings go from 2-3 hours into 15-30 minutes of clarity and a plan of action. When it’s not on, I feel the chaos and I’m glad I have it for work and sleeping.
When wish is on, my meetings go from 2-3 hours into 15-30 minutes of clarity and a plan of action. When it’s not on, I feel the chaos and I’m glad I have it for work and sleeping.
I had a traumatic accident and was in denial and shut down. I kept saying I was fine and didn’t feel my body. Once I had the wish on, I was able to identify where I was hurt and tell my doctor and acknowledge the emotional stress and breath into calm and healing.
School (Muscular Skeletal Teaching Clinic) today was a different class with the WISH unit on and the space cleared the day before. Students were more focused and receptive to learning. There was a calmness to the information that was overwhelming to them before. The students had better input. This was all without them being aware that the WISH unit was on.
I woke up sad and crying. I thought it was my hormones and everything for the first 3-4 hours made me cry. Then I remembered the wish protocol of putting the wish unit backwards and pulling out stuff I didn’t need. Then I put it on my chakras. Within 5-6 minutes, I breathed and stopped crying and felt connected to my body again.

I have been using the Mind WISH unit in my Netword Chiropratic office for approximately 8 weeks. One of the most common neural patterns I work with is that of mental/intellectual dominance, which results in a loss of coherence. I have seen a distinct reduction in these patterns by an additional 20-30% beyond what I would normally expect to see, since running the WISH unit during our sessions. WISH is making my work simpler and easier, and creating a more harmonious environment among my practice members.
Mom we need a WISH unit. Please get one. It will help us love ourselves deeper. (Diagnosed with autism and spells to communicate)
Our son has been waking up multiple times every night and screaming for the last year or so (he’s two now). When Suzy’s WISH was on at our house, he woke up less frequently, without screaming. We bought our own unit and the first night that we turned it on he slept through the night without waking up.
I am in a wheelchair and my family is stressed due to the care needed. The wish unit has brought a sense of calm, peace and even comfort to my mind, heart, and body. Even my parents act calmer and happier.
My dog is anxious and barks a lot when I point the wish at her, she calms down and usually goes to her bed. It’s an antianxiety tool without putting a drug into her. I am so grateful and happy.
I used to wake up 3-5 times every night. Now that I sleep with the wish on, I wake up 1 time, go to the bathroom and fall right back to sleep. What a difference this has made to my improved quality of sleep!
If I feel overwhelmed and anxious, I just must turn my wish on and within about 30 seconds I take a deep breath and feel at ease. It’s such a fast shift and the positive energy lasts all day.
I do feel a big difference for my child & myself since we have WISH in the house.
My child has less meltdowns, he sleeps better, and everything feels just a little softer & smoother.
The night before we left for Spain he couldn’t sleep. He told me there were ghosts in his room and he asked for the WISH to have it placed in his own room. He calls it ‘THE BLUE LIGHT’
For myself I experience a big change too. I used to be in 5th gear all the time, I was always in a rush and jumping from one task to another.
This slowing down feels weird in the beginning but now I realize it is such a blessing. My nervous system is having a brake and I am not a-walking-to-do-list anymore. It is even difficult to be fast or do things fast.
The cool thing is that in the beginning I experienced this only when I was in the house with WISH on but now, I noticed the difference even when I am not in the room. I am more centered and less ADHD-like.
Thank you so much for introducing WISH to us & the world, it was my best purchase this year and I feel this is just the beginning.